Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial

Welcome to the M∴W∴ Grand Lodge of F∴&A∴M∴ of Alabama’s Official Site. We hope you enjoy your visit here.

The words, “Friend to Friend” capture the essence and the spirit of Freemasonry. Just as the operative masons built the magnificent cathedrals centuries ago from stone to stone, Freemasonry has been built through the centuries from friend to friend. Within this unique and honorable Fraternity there exists a very special bond between men of all walks of life that has survived the most divisive political, religious and military conflicts in history.

Recent News

  • Independence Day
    Brethren All, Your Grand Lodge office wishes you and yours a happy and safe Independence Day Holiday. The Grand Lodge office will be closed July 4th and […] Read more
  • Grand Bay Lodge Pew
    Brethren, Do you know of a masonic lodge or affiliated body that is in need of lodge furniture? If so, these pews are available free of […] Read more
  • Cornerstone Exemplification
    The Grand Lodge of Alabama F.&A.M. exemplified the laying of the Cornerstone and the Dedication of a new lodge. This was exemplified Masons from across the […] Read more