Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial

Alabama Grand Lodge Masonic Quizzes

Welcome, Brother, to the Education program of the M∴W∴ Grand Lodge of F&AM of Alabama. The quizzes provided here refer to the Alabama Masonic Ritual Monitor, Alabama Masonic Code, and Holy Bible.

These quizzes are designed to help you separate truth from error by referring you to the correct answers as stated by the approved materials provided by the M∴W∴ Grand Lodge Education and Public Relations Committee.

You may find that answers to these questions may not agree with what you have seen in television programs, read in books/magazines written by respected Freemasons, or even other recognized Grand Jurisdictions. While these materials and further education of historical & foreign practices of Freemasonry are worthy of consideration, it is important to note what is required of us as Alabama Freemasons. If you enjoy these quizzes, you are encouraged to request further instruction from your Worshipful Master, District Lecturer, or the Committee on Education and Public Relations.

Please let us know if you enjoy these quizzes and if you might be interested in more of them, or perhaps easier or more difficult versions…

These quizzes are available within Grandview under RESOURCES / QUIZZES, or simply by clicking below…