Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial

July 2020

2020 Annual Communication Announcement

Edit: Committee Chairmen May attend as well. Chairmen are asked to have their reports to the Grand Secretary by (preferably before) 15 Oct 2020.

To the Brethren of Alabama,

As we continue to live in the COVID-19 world, your Grand Lodge officers are constantly monitoring the national, state, and local events to ensure we are conforming to the guidelines established by President Trump, Governor Ivey and our local community leadership here in Alabama.  There have been many questions concerning our Annual Communication in November and because we have cancelled and/or rescheduled so many Masonic events already this year, I feel that it is important for our Fraternity to have a Grand Lodge Session. However, I also feel very strongly that we cannot just engage in “business as usual” and maintain all of the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our Brethren.  As such, the general attendance at Grand Lodge this year will be restricted to one member per lodge.  This will reduce the expected attendance by several hundred Brethren.  Each of the attendees can proxy all four votes for your respective lodges so every lodge will have fair and equal representation at the Session and we will be in full compliance with the Constitution, Resolutions and Edicts of the Grand Lodge.  Also, the schedule will be abbreviated to ensure we conduct the required business of our Fraternity and minimize the risk to all.  We will not have the Committee on Work Workshop and Divine Service on Sunday afternoon.  We will not have the Exemplification of the Work by the Committee on Work and District Lecturers on Monday.  We will not have the traditional Hospitality Suite for the attendees.  Registration with the Credentials Committee will be from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Monday and 7:00 am to 12:00 noon on Tuesday.  The first event will be the Grand Master’s Banquet on Monday evening.  The 2020 Grand Lodge Session will begin at 0900 on Tuesday morning.  We will be focused on ensuring we make the most productive use of our time together.  At this time, we do not plan to have any activities on Wednesday morning.  Our intent is to complete all of the business on Tuesday, conduct the elections of the Grand Lodge officers, and have the installation Tuesday evening.  The ballroom is large enough to spread everyone out and by limiting the Session to one full day, this will provide the minimum amount of exposure possible.  

This will be the 200th Grand Lodge Session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama. Brethren, this is most definitely not how I wanted this Annual Communication to occur. We had planned to make this a “Session to Remember” and although it will bear no resemblance to events we had originally prepared, I am confident that none of us will ever forget the 2020 Annual Communication. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact me at any time and we will work together to make the best decisions for Masonry in Alabama.

Jon Michael Taylor

Grand Master

July 2020 | GM’s Message


It has been a long, strange, trip during the last three months.  The world we live in today is very different from where we began in March 2020.  We have spent an unusual amount of time secluded in our homes and the constant use of facemasks and hand sanitizer have become an important part of our daily routines.  Although the COVID-19 situation has not been completely resolved, we have begun to return to some sense of normalcy.  Since June 1st, I have attended several degrees and conferences; as well as presenting eight 50 Year pins.  During each of these events, all appearances indicate that at least in the Lodge, we are very close to where we started.  Our Ritual remains unchanged and it appears that wherever I travel, the Brethren are truly enjoying the sincere Fellowship and Brotherly Love that our Fraternity facilitates.  And I have partaken in some of the best meals that I have had during my Masonic journey during the past month. 

I cannot Thank each of you enough for the patience, understanding, and encouragement that has been extended to myself and all of your Grand Lodge Officers as we have striven to make the best decisions for the health and wellness of all our Brethren and their families, and to do everything we can to continue to resource and support our Lodges.  We have been unified in purpose and effort; and your support has been essential to our endurance during this period of uncertainty and unpredictability.           

As we are beginning a new Masonic year with new leadership teams in place throughout the state, we are in a great position to revitalize our efforts in diffusing light and imparting Masonic knowledge.  Our internet Committee has done an Outstanding job providing constant communication to all of the Brethren in Alabama through our website and the E-Mason e-mail system.  I simply cannot Thank them enough for what they do every day for our Fraternity.  I strongly encourage you to visit our Events Page on the Grand Lodge website.  The committee updates this page daily and there are many events being posted.  If you have the opportunity, attend a degree at a nearby Lodge or attend a Masonic Conference.  Your presence supporting these important events will help us tremendously as we continue to Open Alabama Freemasonry back up. 

   As we continue to move forward, we will closely monitor the situation in Alabama and follow the guidance and direction of Governor Ivey and her medical advisors.  However, as I have stated before, the situation is not consistent throughout the State.  What may be the best course of action for a Lodge in Tarrant may not be the most prudent course of action for the lodges in Mobile.  As such, it is imperative that the Worshipful Masters of the respective lodges in Alabama rule and govern to the best of their ability with the primary goals of health and safety in mind.  As we move forward as a State-wide Fraternity, each Lodge will be faced with significant decisions. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact me at any time and we will work together to make the best decision for Masonry.  As long as we have the best interest of our Brethren and our Lodges in mind, the Worshipful Masters in Alabama will always have my full and unwavering support. 

Finally Brethren, be of one mind, live in peace.  Let nothing disturb that pure warm, and holy love which our ritual enjoins.  I am very Proud to be an Alabama Mason and I am extremely Proud to serve each of you as we strive together to persevere through these unprecedented times.   

Mike Taylor
Grand Master