Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial

June 2023

Gettysburg Visit

I had the pleasure of paying my respects at the Gettysburg National Military Park and Gettysburg National Cemetery this fine morning. 

Amid the 1000’s of monuments in Gettysburg, the one that I believe touched my heart the most, the one that I’ve long sought visiting, was the “Friend To Friend, A Brotherhood United” monument. 

“The monument depicts Union Captain Henry Bingham, a Mason and staff assistant to General Hancock, himself wounded, rendering aid to the fallen Confederate General. Armistead is shown handing his watch and personal effects to be taken to his friend, Union General Hancock Union General Winfield Scott Hancock. “

What is most meaningful, most striking about this monument is what it represents as a whole. Freemasonry doesn’t “instill” or “create” a bond. It is not something that can be pulled off like our aprons or rings. Freemasonry exists on our good days, and the bad days. It exists in peace, and at war. What this monument shows to the world is one man handing his last effects, the contents of his pockets to another. 

What it means to Masons  is that no matter what, good or bad, peace or war, there exists between them a bond that is inseparable. A bond of brotherhood, a bond of protecting a brothers life, a bond of protecting a brothers family, and most of all, an unwavering devotion and commitment to never breaking your word or promise to another brother. 

It was my distinct honor and privilege to visit this solemn place of honor. 

Zachary C. Grizzard

Right Worshipful Grand Historian

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F & A M of Alabama

Service Awards

MW Brother Rusty Beck, Grand Master, RW Brother Mike Boyles, Deputy Grand Master, MW Brother David Tucker, Past Grand Master, and RW Brother Max Carey, Grand Marshal were privileged in presenting two of our Brethren service awards for their many years of service to our Fraternity: Brother John Willis of Somerville Lodge No. 721 and Rising Sun Lodge No. 29 received his 60 year pin, and Brother Mike Jones of Rising Sun Lodge No. 29 received his 70 year pin. Congratulations to you both!

June 2023

Brethren All,

June is the month of sweet brides and happy times. The warmth of summer arrives and in the heart of Masons love and humility should arrive constantly. When times seem so harsh in our country and world, yet the caring of a brother mason is always in the forefront. How many times can one brother stand forth in honesty, humility, and with truth toward the Supreme Architect of the Universe (Our God).

When think of the sunrise on beauty, there is so much beauty in Masonry when it is performed correctly. Why tell a newly made brother, you had a great degree when it was performed with so many mistakes it is embarrassing. Truth is what separates a Mason apart from the community.

Today let us all shine as the June sun and bring the true riches of a Mason to this world that we may all stand in accordance with our rituals.

I love all my brethren.

Right Worshipful and Reverend
Ricky Kilgore, Grand Chaplain