Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial

4th of July 2023

Brethren All,

Today as we enjoy the freedom of Independence Day, it becomes more evident that our nation does not understand the price of this freedom. The wicked enjoy more freedom than ever. This nation allows more freedom to hate groups than it does to regular law abiding peoples.

The charter that was signed when this nation became free, as we know, was signed by more Masons than any other pure people. It is with great pleasure that I sit and think about this great act. I am proud that the men that signed this charter did it with great pride themselves.

When we look at our nation’s capital and the beautiful Glorious flag, we should salute with pride what all this means. As we look for strength in this nation is seems to be lacking. Let us all stand as Masons, stand with pride in the nation we fought for and loved dearly.

May GOD richly bless America in 2023 and draw his people back to him. In name of our Great Architect of the Universe may grow stronger.

Right Worshipful and Reverend
Ricky Kilgore, Grand Chaplain