Alabama Masonic Code Constitution and Edict Change Proposals
Recent Advertisement Sent to Lodges
Be aware, this flyer has been sent to some Alabama Lodges and directly to some of our Brethren. On some copies, our Grand Lodge name and logo has been printed on the flyer.
The Grand Lodge of Alabama has no connection to this advertisement. We have not authorized this to be sent out, nor have we authorized the use of our name and logo for this printing.

Grand Lodge Annual Communication

2021 Grand Lodge Annual Communication Pictures
Pictures from the 2021 Grand Lodge Annual Communication and the Master Mason Degree Monday night.

2020 Proceedings Now Available
Please be advised that the proceedings of the 2020 Annual Communication are now available within Grandview. Simply login, and select “Resources”.
On the resources page, you may find the proceedings under the “Master Mason” section.
A Year To Remember
It has been my highest honor and privilege to serve you as Grand Master. While I have so many memories and experiences from this year, it will be the relationships that I have had the opportunity to develop with so many Outstanding Masons throughout the State which I will reflect upon for the rest of my life. Each of you have made… Read more
2020 Proposed Changes
The attached file lists the 2020 proposed changes to the Masonic Code.