Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial
Making Good Men, Better Men Since Time Immemorial


June 2023

Brethren All,

June is the month of sweet brides and happy times. The warmth of summer arrives and in the heart of Masons love and humility should arrive constantly. When times seem so harsh in our country and world, yet the caring of a brother mason is always in the forefront. How many times can one brother stand forth in honesty, humility, and with truth toward the Supreme Architect of the Universe (Our God).

When think of the sunrise on beauty, there is so much beauty in Masonry when it is performed correctly. Why tell a newly made brother, you had a great degree when it was performed with so many mistakes it is embarrassing. Truth is what separates a Mason apart from the community.

Today let us all shine as the June sun and bring the true riches of a Mason to this world that we may all stand in accordance with our rituals.

I love all my brethren.

Right Worshipful and Reverend
Ricky Kilgore, Grand Chaplain

May 2023

Brethren All,

As the month of April has slid by without much notice, the month of May is here. To all my brethren and with love to each of you I declare this to be a month of growth in Masonry. Each day we must realize brings us one day closer to meeting our LORD.

The visitations we had so far have brought us to many, many fine Masons we would never have met. The brotherly Love of Masonry is to be the same as hand in hand to each other. Our obligations are very distinctive. The strawberry winter we have just went through is to show us how our God has designed things to come.

People today want to join masonry because they have heard what a great peace it brings to men. One thing we should remember is that, they are joining us not the other way. Remember today quality is still better than quantity.

Let the light of the Great Lights shine through each of us to those less fortunate. In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe may you read this with Peace.

May God’s Healing come to you all.

Right Worshipful and Reverend
Ricky Kilgore, Grand Chaplain

March 2023

Brethren All,

The month of March is a month in which we all look forward to. This month bring us into our Spring season, which is at times brings bright and cheery. This month nice smile, friendly handshakes and brotherly love stands forth in our hearts.

The pain of this month is brought by one brother disrespecting another brother no matter what group you are in or whether you mean to or not.

Brethren who fish, hunt or play golf can find absolute joy this month. Especially to meet on the square and in meetings of the lodge. This is a time when conferences come greatly enjoyed by all Masons. Special meetings show brothers stand as men in aspects of masonry.

Today let us stand hand in hand as it was spoken of in one of our special reports. My Jesus bring joy to us all. God Bless and may your sins be forgiven.

Right Worshipful and Reverend,
Ricky Kilgore, Grand Chaplain


Happy Monday!

Dear brethren,

I have a question for us all to consider: Are we, as Masons, giving due attention to living as just and upright men? It seems simple – perhaps elementary, even – to conduct ourselves in a manner befitting our position during our lodge meetings. However, one we leave the lodge room, how quickly we forget the tenets we have just heard recommended to our consideration!

As family men, are we applying our working tools to our wives and children? Are we properly subduing our passions, or are we giving in to the daily stresses of the day? 

As professionals, are we industrious, diligent, and dependable? Are we treating our superiors and subordinates fairly, daily squaring our actions by the Square of Virtue? 

Brethren, in our quest to become men of impeccable character, we must pursue the virtues of Masonry with unwavering tenacity! Settling for “good enough” won’t convince the world of Masonry’s good effects, nor will our substandard efforts produce anything other than mediocrity. 

Our task is great. But take heart, brethren! We have been given great tools – tools that are able to polish the rough ashlars of our lives. Let us daily commit ourselves to the cause of Masonry and never swerve from our duty to the Craft. 


Bro. Chris
Right Worshipful Grand Orator
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F&A.M of Alabama

January 2023

Dear Brethren, 

The month of January is a very special month because it begins the New Year with fresh ideas. God is always here to help us and if we allow him he can make our lodges profit for hope, fervency and zeal. This is the month I pray for all Masons to begin a new day standing together to raise the values of life more and more. We have shifted to far to a woke society and everything else matters more than our happiness and strength.

Today I pray for you all and that you might turn to God for further advice and direction of walk. Please remember your obligations more today than yesterday. God Bless.

Right Worshipful & Reverend Grand Chaplain
Ricky Kilgore

Grand Orator Introduction

Dear brethren, 

Fraternal greetings! My name is Chris Henley, the Senior Warden of Saints John #931 in Anniston, and a plural member of Eastaboga # 155. As the newly installed Right Worshipful Grand Orator of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama, it is my honor to serve the brethren of Alabama in this capacity. I am incredibly grateful to Most Worshipful Bro. Rusty Beck for asking me to serve for the 2022-2023 year. 

I am looking forward to offering regular posts on the Grand Lodge website, and I am especially excited to travel across the state – and abroad – speaking to lodges on topics on Masonry. If you would like for me to come and speak at your lodge, please feel free to send me an email at 

Here are a few of the topics I have prepared to present, although there are always new projects in the works! 

  • “Chipping Away: Becoming the Best Mason You Can Be” – A practical review of what it means to be a “good” Mason in the twenty-first century. 
  • “First Things First: A Reflection on Ritual” – Our ritual is important to our lives as Masons. But why? This talk examines the moral and practical implications of the ritual. 
  • “In Defense of Masculinity: Virtue, Honor, and Freemasonry” 

Brethren, Masonry is alive and well in the state of Alabama! I am excited to travel to meet new brothers, fellowship in and outside of lodge, and discuss the important topics in Masonry as we seek to live our lives as virtuous men.

“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” – Bro. Teddy Roosevelt

Until next time, keep chipping away, brothers! 

R.:W.: Chris Henley

Grand Orator

Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F&A.M, Alabama

(256) 375-4150